Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, exists in several forms, the most important of which are tocopherol and tocotrienol. It is preferable to take vitamin E with a fatty meal to facilitate absorption, and keep it in a place away from light and heat, as it is affected by high temperatures.

Sources of Vitamin E

There are many natural sources of vitamin E, as it is available in many foods and foods, such as:

Vegetable oils.
Vegetables, such as lettuce, kale, broccoli, parsley, and olives.
Milk and eggs.
Fruits, such as avocados, mangoes, and kiwis.
Nuts, such as almonds.
Wheat seed oil.

Vitamin E supplements are also available in pharmacies, which can be taken to make up for the deficiency or for other reasons by consulting a doctor.

Benefits of Vitamin E

There are many benefits of vitamin E for the body and health in general, we mention the following:

Vitamin E is an antioxidant

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, as it destroys free radicals in the body that attack cells and cause abnormalities in them, increasing the likelihood of them turning into cancer cells.

Benefits of vitamin E for the skin

benefits of vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the vitamins commonly used in cosmetics, and the benefits of vitamin E 400 for the skin are as follows:

Heal wounds, hide scars.
Sun protection, which is one of the benefits of vitamin E for the face.
Treatment of sunburn.
Moisturizing the skin, which is one of the most important benefits of vitamin E oil for the skin.
Prevention of skin cancer.

Benefits of vitamin E for hair

Stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss.
Treatment of dry and broken hair.
Giving shine and radiance to hair, which is one of the benefits of vitamin E for women, due to their continuous interest in the shine and health of hair.
Protect hair from sun damage.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Men

Vitamin E is used for men to treat conditions that cause infertility, as it increases male fertility and prevents infertility, so we find that it treats the following:

Low sperm count.
Impaired sperm motility.
Abnormalities in the form of sperm.
Erectile dysfunction for males, which is one of the benefits of vitamin E for sex.

Benefits of Vitamin E for the Brain

Scientists believe that one of the benefits of vitamin E for the brain is that it helps prevent cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases, because it contains antioxidants, but it needs more studies to prove the benefits of vitamin E for the brain.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Diabetes

Diabetes is associated with oxidative stress in the body, which is one of the conditions associated with insulin resistance (English: Insulin Resistance), and it has been found that there is a relationship between vitamin E and delaying the onset of type I and II diabetes, and it also delays its development. One of the benefits of vitamin E for diabetes is that it helps prevent complications of the disease.

Vitamin E Damage

One of the most important harms of vitamin E is the allergic reactions it may cause, which causes skin irritation, trying to take advantage of the benefits of vitamin E for the face and skin.

High doses of vitamin E are associated with an increased risk of stroke and prostate cancer.

It is recommended to consult your doctor before taking vitamin E capsules or supplements, as it interacts with many medications used to treat chronic diseases, including anticoagulants, blood thinners, and lipid medications.

Read more about Benefits of zinc.